Your Place for Fun, Rigorous, TEKS-Aligned Resources for Upper Elementary

Program Overview
When creating the Watson Works Phonics and Spelling Program, it was our goal to create a program that teaches phonemic awareness, phonics, decoding, spelling, and fluency in a systematic, yet fun and engaging way to meet the needs of both students and teachers. So, we received input from a team of veteran early elementary teachers and created a research-based program that is aligned with the TEKS Resource System ELAR Phonics Scope & Sequence and supports the Common Core State Standards for reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language. Our program contains daily 30-minute lesson plans, weekly assessments for progress monitoring, and cooperative learning activities to enhance instruction. This program also targets handwriting, high frequency word study, vocabulary, and other ELAR skills, and it is designed to be used as part of an existing balanced literacy program.
Introducing our Decodable Readers!

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This program includes:
Daily lessons
Cooperative learning cards & suggestions for use
Spelling assessments
Phonics assessments
Spelling flashcards
Handwriting practice
Teacher instructions & answer key
Skill Development
• Letter-sound correspondence
• Letter formation
• Phonological and phonemic
• Phonics
• High frequency words
• Spelling
• Vocabulary
• Grammar
• Handwriting
Maximize Student Learning
Watson Works Phonics & Spelling Program for K-2 students provides teachers with the tools they need to present a carefully structured phonics and spelling program to maximize student learning and ensure continued success.
Program Highlights:
• Created with input from veteran early
elementary teachers
• Aligned with TEKS Resource System,
Common Core Standards, and HMH Journeys
• Meets the Guidelines for Examining
Phonics & Word Recognition Programs
created by the Texas Reading Initiative
• Skills taught systematically and explicitly
• Weekly assessments for progress monitoring
• Cooperative learning activities to
enhance instruction
• Seasonal themes to increase student
• Includes PDF of entire instructional
program for ease of access
If you are an administrator, and would like to submit a purchase order for your school, please fill out below form.
People are talking about
Watson Works Phonics & Spelling!

This is an awesome addition to Journeys! I was in need of phonics intervention. This will work great. I bought this packet to see if this would fit the needs of my RTI students. After looking through these units, I plan on purchasing for the whole year. Thank you for sharing your hard work.- Sue S.
"I have been using the Watson Works program in my classroom since January and have seen amazing growth in my students. One of my students went from a Kindergarten reading level to second grade this year. That's amazing to me!"
- Tayna, 2nd Grade
"This is exactly what I've been looking for to replace our current phonics program. I'm so impressed and love the fact that spelling and phonics go hand in hand with one another." - Lauren F.
"This is beautiful and thorough!" - Lisa S.
"I am using this product for my daughter who I homeschool. Thank you so much! Its such a great resource!" - Tara K.
"Just what I needed! Thanks!" - Pratt's Pages
"These are so much more interesting and kid friendly than the standard sheets. We like them a lot! Great job!" -Dawn S.
"Awesome product, it's going to be a real asset in my first grade classroom!
- Erica W.
"This is awesome. I'm looking forward to using it during the upcoming school year." - Lauren R.