The apps and online tools below help review and reinforce spelling and phonics skills in 3rd grade.
TEKS: 3.1A, 3.1B, 3.1C, 3.1E, 3.17D, 3.24A, 3.24B, 3.24C, 3.24D
CCSS: L.3.2.E, L.3.2.F, L.3.2.G, RF.3.3

Third Grade Learning Games
This app features various educational games that teach syllables, parts of speech, grammar, analogies, and prefixes, as well as many math and science learning games.

TeachMe: 3rd Grade
This app teaches Dolch third grade sight words and 350+ 3rd grade level words in addition to third grade multiplication and division.

Phonics Genius
This app is specifically designed to help students recognize and distinguish words by sounds.

Abby Phonics - Third Grade
This app features flashcards and interactive exercises that strengthen children's reading, sentence completion, writing, spelling, and more.

Phonograms by Spalding Education
This app helps students learn the phonics connection between speech sounds and the written symbols that represent those sounds (phonograms).

Spell Mania: Spelling Games

Spell Grid: Swipe Letters, Spell Words

Hooked on Words

Mystery Word Town Spelling
This app makes spelling practice fun as students explore buildings in a western town to find lost letters that spell words and unlock doors.

Reading Eggs: Spelling Games Grade 3
This app features 10 interactive spelling games - each reinforcing a different literacy skill, including proofreading, word endings and plurals, compound words, syllables, and more.

Word Wizard for Kids
This app features a movable alphabet that makes each letter sound. Students can use the app to practice phonics patterns and practice spelling words.
Do you have any other apps or online tools/games you use to help your third graders practice phonics or spelling? Please share you ideas in the comments.
~Heather Watson
Watson Works, LLC
