3rd Grade October Daily Language Review
With the implementation of the new ELA TEKS this year, having a daily spiral review in your toolbox that reviews all the TEKS for language, spelling, and writing is a MUST!! DAILY WRITING READY© is a standards-based program that follows a research-based model of continuous, systematic instruction, building from simple to complex to help students learn and retain skills. In this 3rd grade unit for October, students practice language & writing skills in 10-15 minute daily lessons. Skills taught in this unit include:
- Capitalization (proper nouns, holidays, months, days of the week, titles of people, geographical names & places, beginning of sentence)
- Ending punctuation
- Apostrophes
- Complete sentences (subject/predicate)
- Homophones (hear/here, hour/our, knew/new, right/write, road/rode, their/there, to/too/two, weak/week)
- Parts of speech (adjectives, article adjectives, adverbs, possessive/plural nouns, action/linking verbs)
- Spelling
- Diagramming sentences
2019 TEKS: 3.2Bii, 3.2Biii, 3.2Bvii, 3.11C, 3.11D, 3.11Di, 3.11Dii, 3.11Diii, 3.11Div, 3.11Dv, 3.11Dvi, 3.11Dix, 3.11Dx, 3.11Dxi
CCSS: L.2.2.C, L.3.1, L.3.1.A, L.3.1.B, L.3.1.D, L.3.1.I, L.3.2, L.3.2.A, L.3.2.D, L.3.2.E, L.3.2.F, L.4.1.E, L.4.1.G, L.5.2.A, W.3.5