4th Grade Math Ready® Numerical Bundle
Customers who used our 4th grade STAAR WARS Math Task Cards loved them, and many teachers emailed us asking us for more. So we listened! But instead of creating more STAAR review sets, we thought it would be even better to have task card sets that could be used WHILE you’re teaching, instead of just to review afterward. This way you can measure learning as you go. So, we decided to create task card sets for every TEKS Readiness Standard for reading, math, and writing. We will have 2 sets available for each TEKS Readiness Standard, a basic set and an advanced set, which allows the teacher to assess learning at various learning stages, making them perfect for differentiation.
When you purchase this BUNDLE, you get all of our Basic & Advanced MATH READY 4th Grade Numerical Representations & Relationships Task Cards – 8 total sets!!
These MATH READY task card sets focus on the three TEKS Readiness Standards for 4th grade Math Numerical Representations & Relationships:
•Represent the value of the digit in whole numbers through 1,000,000,000 and decimals to the hundredths using expanded notation and numerals (4.15D)
•Relate decimals to fractions that name tenths and hundredths (4.2G)
•Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators and represent the comparison using the symbols >, =, or < (4.3D)
The 4 BASIC sets help your students practice & apply their understanding of the number & operations skills listed below at a simpler, basic level with shorter questions, while the 4 ADVANCED sets rigorous, higher-level thinking questions with longer word problems, making the pair of sets perfect for differentiation.
*Though our MATH READY Task Cards are made with our Texas teacher friends in mind, they are also aligned with 4th grade CCSS, making them easily usable by any 4th grade teacher teaching number & operations all over the U.S.*
Instructions are included for 3 methods of review: task cards review in centers/groups/pairs/individuals, a SCOOT game, and a "Be the Teacher" game, but these cards can be used in a variety of other ways to meet your needs.
These 8 sets assess your students’ comprehension of:
SETS 1 (Basic & Advanced):
•Representing the value of the digit in whole numbers through 1 billion
•Expanded form
•Expanded notation
•Pictorial models (dice, playing cards)
•Place value charts (thousands period & hundreds period)
•Standard form
•Word form
•Word problems
Standards Covered:TEKS: 4.2B
CCSS: 4.NBT.A.1, 4.NBT.A.2, 4.NBT.B.4
SETS 2 (Basic & Advanced):
•Representing the value of the digit in decimals to the hundredths
•Expanded form
•Expanded notation
•Place Value
•Pictorial models (hundreds grids)
•Standard form
•Word form
Standards Covered:TEKS: 4.2B
CCSS: 4.NBT.A.1, 4.NBT.A.2, 4.NF.C.5, 4.NF.C.6
SETS 3 (Basic & Advanced):
•Writing fractions as decimals that name tenths and hundredths
•Writing decimals as fractions that name tenths and hundredths
•Writing decimals and fractions in word form
•Representing decimals and fractions with pictorial models and number lines
•Word problems
Standards Covered:TEKS: 4.2G
CCSS: 4.NF.C.5, 4.NF.C.6
SETS 4 (Basic & Advanced):
•Comparing two fractions with different numerators and denominators
•Comparison statements/equations comparing two fractions using the greater than (>), less than (<), or equal to (=) symbols
•Equivalent fractions
•Simplifying fractions
•Word problems
Standards Covered:TEKS: 4.3D
CCSS: 4.NF.A.2© 2016, 2017 Watson Works, LLC. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or distributed in any form or by any means (mechanically, electronically, recording, etc.) without the prior written consent of Watson Works, LLC. Purchasing this product in digital form from the Watson Works store on TeachersPayTeachers.com licenses one teacher to use this product in his/her classroom or for personal use. Additional licenses must be purchased for additional teachers to use this product. Made in the USA. All rights reserved.