5th Grade Daily Reading Ready® - JANUARY
If you loved our 5th Grade Reading STAAR Wars© Task Cards, you’re going to love our new DAILY READING READY© monthly units, as well! DAILY READING READY© is a standards-based program that follows a research-based model of continuous, systematic instruction, building from simple to complex to help students learn and retain skills. In this unit for January, students practice reading & vocabulary skills in 10-15 minute daily lessons. Skills taught in this unit include:
•author’s purpose & craft
•compare & contrast
•context clues
•figurative language
•genre – informational/expository, fiction, literary nonfiction, poetry
•images/words/graphics/sounds to impact meaning
•literary language & devices
•main idea & supporting details
•making inferences & drawing conclusions
•making connections between literary & informational texts
•making predictions
•meaning of unfamiliar/multiple-meaning words
•paired passages
•poetry elements & structure
•root words & affixes
•supporting understanding with textual evidence
•text features & graphics
•2019 TEKS: 5.3A, 5.3B, 5.3C, 5.6C, 5.6E, 5.6F, 5.7D, 5.8B, 5.9B, 5.9Di, 5.9Dii, 5.10A, 5.10B, 5.10C, 5.10D, 5.10E
CCSS: L.5.4.A, L.5.4.B, L.5.4.C, RI.4.2, RI.4.7, RI.5.1, RI.5.2, RI.5.3, RI.5.4, RI.5.10, RL.4.3, RL.5.1, RL.5.2, RL.5.3, RL.5.4, RL.5.5, RL.5.6, RL.5.7, RL.5.10